
OctoPkg is a graphical interface for the pkgng package manager. It is built in C++ using Qt5 libs and targeted to FreeBSD and its derived systems. The initial commit is from June/2015 and was made possible by the experience gained from the Octopi project. OctoPkg’s source code is hosted on GitHub.

The mainwindow sports a browser of installed packages, where users are able to reinstall, remove, verify their information and contents, as well as lock and unlock their current versions. There is also a cache cleaner option in “File/Clean the local cache”.

A remote package browser is also available via the “Ctrl+I” shortcut or clicking the “package” button in the toolbar. There, users are able to search for more than 30.000 packages, view their information and install them.

If your main partition uses a ZFS file system, there’s an option to create a boot environment before whatever package operation is made. Notice the checkbox available in the Confirmation dialog above. The generated boot environment names are composed by the “yyMMdd-hhmmss” pattern (year month day-hour minute second).

All package operations are executed with the aid of octopkg-doas, a lxqt-sudo derived project which supports both doas and sudo tools.

For more information you can access the project’s FAQ.